Investment-ready infrastructure planning
The focus is on supporting audit-able insights and outlooks for medium to long term physical infrastructure and market investment. The underpinning analytics and outputs should be investment-enabling and nationally owned. (A call for the same is made by the Finance Ministers for Climate.) We include green, blue and grey infrastructure.
A final impact of the EMP are analysts, government planning units and centers that produce investment outlooks and strategies to release market or policy readiness funding. One example includes support that has resulted in fund releases from the GCF, IADB, WBG & National Budget fund release in Costa Rica. Another is Cyprus who contribute to the EMP and who's open source modelling underpins it climate policy and national communications to the UNFCCC. These were rapidly developed, built local capacity, engaged appropriate stakeholders, were of sufficiently high quality and nationally owned. They were led by development partners who used the the EMP and use the open methods it supports. The impact is effective resource mobilization and implementation. (Such impact is often not possible with external technical assistance that does not focus on the building of local capacity with transparency embedded from the get-go.)
A final impact of the EMP are analysts, government planning units and centers that produce investment outlooks and strategies to release market or policy readiness funding. One example includes support that has resulted in fund releases from the GCF, IADB, WBG & National Budget fund release in Costa Rica. Another is Cyprus who contribute to the EMP and who's open source modelling underpins it climate policy and national communications to the UNFCCC. These were rapidly developed, built local capacity, engaged appropriate stakeholders, were of sufficiently high quality and nationally owned. They were led by development partners who used the the EMP and use the open methods it supports. The impact is effective resource mobilization and implementation. (Such impact is often not possible with external technical assistance that does not focus on the building of local capacity with transparency embedded from the get-go.)
National Ownership
National ownership focuses effort to ensure that local centers and government planning units are empowered. A network (ranked in terms of copper, silver, gold and platinum) experts and centers is being developed and is to be supported in future work. From these locally developed reviewed analysis, data and training is produced. Core to this are chapter communities of practice.
Regional Chapters & Partners
A growing number of Core Contributing Partners include: UNDESA, UNDEP, UNECA, IAEA, WBG, ESMAP, IADB, IEA, IRENA, ICTP, Imperial College London, Loughborough University, Oxford University, Cambridge University, University College London, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH, Sweden), Open University, Simon Fraser University, Cyprus Institute of Technology, the University of Costa Rica and others.
The EMP is divided into the following six chapters: African (#EMPA), Latin American and Caribbean (#EMPLAC), North American (#EMPNA), Asia Pacific (#EMPAPAC), the (now, self standing) Energy and Climate Modelling Platform for Europe (#ECEMP) and the Global
The EMP's are an International Partnership Activity of the of the UK's Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) and was initiated by the of practice. The opinions expressed by the EMP do not necessarily reflect those of the FCDO. It builds upon the Round Table Principles for Energy Planning and its U4RIA goals to ensure interoperability between technical assistance efforts and audit-ability of analysis.
The EMP is divided into the following six chapters: African (#EMPA), Latin American and Caribbean (#EMPLAC), North American (#EMPNA), Asia Pacific (#EMPAPAC), the (now, self standing) Energy and Climate Modelling Platform for Europe (#ECEMP) and the Global
The EMP's are an International Partnership Activity of the of the UK's Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) and was initiated by the of practice. The opinions expressed by the EMP do not necessarily reflect those of the FCDO. It builds upon the Round Table Principles for Energy Planning and its U4RIA goals to ensure interoperability between technical assistance efforts and audit-ability of analysis.
Together lets go far ...
Should you wish to partner please contact the chapter lead(s) or [email protected] Many organisations sponsor participants or enabling component of the planning ecosystem (such as course or software updates). We would welcome your support in-kind or financially.